Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life, use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true
Released on = September 12, 2006, 9:30 am
Press Release Author = Affirmware
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = I want to show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2006/09/12
I want to show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web -- or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this article -- and I don\'t want you to miss it. There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it\'s actually a science like physics or algebra. There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied with, anyone can make their dreams a reality -- with absolute certainty. Does this sound far-fetched? Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That\'s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real -- and goes about using its powerful creative ability -- and that of the nervous system -- to actualize those affirmations. For this reason, people from all walks of life -- from athletic coaches, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations. Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now... imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic -- but would also manifest your desires in record speed. How is that possible, you ask? Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor 3 software program. Sculptor 3 is a revolutionary self-help tool that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires. Testimonials ... attract the amount of money I need! "Am sure you get many emails but want to let you know how much I like this program. Am a realtor although am phasing into a new field, that of energetic medicine. Am (was) quite fearful about financial issues. However since starting the affirmation \"I attract the amount of money I need\"... day 6... have sold 2 big houses!" Thanks for developing this program! Cathy ... more money than I ever thought possible! I am an active user of Sculptor Software. I was downsized from my job 5 months ago and started to use your software soon after to try and get my mindset into the right place. I have subsequently landed a fantastic job earning more money than I ever thought possible. My whole focus on what is achievable has completely changed. I have also begun to make much needed changes in all other areas of my life. Thank You! Helene Brown Visit us at and discover how Sculptor 3 can change your life. For More Information Contact: D.J. du Plessis
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Contact Details = D.J. du Plessis NP van Wyk Louw street Bloemfontein , 9310 $$country
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